Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Chapter 4 : System Unit Component

System unit :
     The motherboard is the main circuit board of the system unit :
·        A computer chip contains integrated circuits

Processor- Central Processing Unit (CPU) interprets and carries out the basic                                                                              instructions  that operate a computer

·        Have a control unit and an arithmetic logic unit (ALU)

        Multi-core processor --->Dual- core processor--->Quad-core processor

·        The  arithmetic logic unit (ALU) performs arithmetic, comparison, and other operations

·        The system clock controls the timing of all computer operations

·        The pace of the system clock is called the clock speed, and is measured in gigahertz (Ghz)

·        A processor chip generates heat that could cause the chip to burn up, it require additional cooling : Heat sinks, Liquid cooling technology

Data Representation :
·        Analog signals are continuos and vary in strength and quality
     Digital signals are in one of two states : on or off
     The binary system uses two unique digits ( 0 and 1 ) : Bits and bytes

Memory :
·        Consists of electronic components that store instructions waiting to be executed by the processor, data needed by those instructions and the results of processing the data
     Store 3 basic categories of items :
      -The operating system and other system software
ü         -- Application programs
ü          --Data being processed and the resulting information

·        Memory size is measured in kilobytes ( KB or K ), megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB)
     2 types or memory :

Volatile memory : Loses its content when power is turned off, Example (RAM)

Nonvolatile memory : Does not lose contents when power is turned off,  
                                    examples include ROM, flash memory and CMOS.
     RAM chips usually reside on a memory module and are inserted into memory slots
     Memory cache speeds the processes of the computer because it stores frequently used instructions and data
     Flash memory can be erased electronically and rewritten : - CMOS technology provides high speeds and consumes little power
  •      Access time is the amount of time it takes the processor to read from memory : Measured in nanoseconds

Bays :
·        A bay is an opening inside the system unit in which you can install additional equipment
-A drive bay typically holds disk drives

The power supply converts the wall outlet AC power into DC power.

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